- Partner must own an aggregate load of ≥ 1 MW of load
- The fixed or variable price of electricity for various terms
- Demand Control 2's Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE) enables market price transparency to our Partner
- Partner can have their own generation (behind the meter or offsite), either renewable or fossil, and Demand Control 2 will build it into your portfolio and manage the generation resource
- In-depth Energy industry insight to develop your procurement strategy and budget for future periods.
Dedicated account management including:
- Generation Management
- Settlement of invoices (fee % of savings)
- Contract Management enables
- Scheduling
- Reporting
If your business is located in a retail electric competitive area, you may be interested in taking control of your electricity invoices. You may want to buy your own electricity at wholesale. You may like to become your own Retail Electric Provider (REP). Call or email Demand Control 2 to determine if you qualify to be your own REP, and we can set you up to buy your electricity needs at wholesale rates.

You may be more exposed than you think you are!
The advantages of becoming your own REP include:
- energy costs
- consumption (including usage patterns)
- conservation efforts (where you can change behaviors to reduce energy needs or quickly identify equipment failures)
- carbon footprint
- Energy prices at wholesale rates
- Buying green power to reduce your carbon footprint & marketing such
- Assist in achieving your company’s ESG goals (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance goals)
- Controlling your energy budget
- Reduce the middle-man (your current REP) costs
- Flexibility to control operations
- Utilizing DC2’s VERGOSTM to ensure greatest efficiencies are in place
- Select DC 2 Services to operate your REP
Demand Control 2 Services, the consulting affiliate of Demand Control 2 Holding Co, has, and will continue to, set up companies to become a full-scale Retail Electric Provider in Texas. If you are interested in becoming a REP in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) and serving retail customers in Texas, albeit residential, commercial, or industrial, DC2 Services can assist in making that a reality. A REP buys wholesale electricity, delivery service, and related services, prices electricity for customers, and seeks customers to buy electricity at retail.
We will explain the many responsibilities of being a REP, including:
- Buying electricity at wholesale.
- Buying delivery service and paying the charges for transmission and distribution service to the Transmission and Distribution Utilities TDU.
- Serving as the direct contact with the customer for electric service issues.
- Billing the customer and collecting for the REP's charges.
- Providing a 24-hour toll free telephone number for customer calls.
- Developing electronic interface system to communicate with the Independent System Operator (ERCOT) and other Market Participants relating to customer switches and meter information.
- Testing the electronic interface system with ERCOT.
- Understanding and following the Commission's rules, including the customer protection rules. PUC Substantive Rules, Subchapter R
- Who Should File: A person or company seeking to sell electricity to retail customers must register as a REP at the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC). Persons who do not purchase, take title to, or resell electricity, but perform a service pursuant to a contract with the REP do not need to become certified as REPs. Note: There are registration requirements for brokers.
- When to File: REP Certification at the Commission generally takes 60-90 days. Upon approval of REP certification, applicants will be ordered to provide proof that they have completed the ERCOT testing of their electronic interface system prior to serving customers. Since ERCOT generally has three testing periods per year, it is important to coordinate the testing dates with the REP's business plan.
Demand Control 2 sells electric energy to certain retail customers in the areas of Texas where the sale of electricity is open to retail competition.
Demand control of your electricity needs!
- Account Enrollment and Management
- Load Forecasting
- Portfolio Strategy and Risk Management
- Power Marketing and Trading
- Generation Management
- Contract Management
- Scheduling
- Financial Reconciliation and Reporting
- Invoicing
- A settlement with ERCOT and the TDSP(s)
- Regulatory Compliance
- Reporting
- Credit Management
- Operate and optimize generation assets for third-party owners
- Validate generation volumes and invoices
- Validate settlement statements
- Evaluate renewable energy projects
- Assist in finding long– and short-term procurement opportunities from market participants for renewable energy
- Buy and sell renewable energy credits (RECs)
- Develop and install backup power generators behind client's electric meters
- Create risk and credit policies
- Produce operational dashboards and reports that inform clients of their commodity risks, capital requirements, and profitability
- Conduct data analytics to identify energy-related issues, whether operational problems, human behaviors, or equipment malfunctions
- Other services of interest
- Partner must own an aggregate load of ≥ 1 MW of load
- The fixed or variable price of electricity for various terms
- Demand Control 2's Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE) enables market price transparency to our Partner
- Partner can have their own generation (behind the meter or offsite), either renewable or fossil, and Demand Control 2 will build it into your portfolio and manage the generation resource
- In-depth Energy industry insight to develop your procurement strategy and budget for future periods.
Dedicated account management including:
- Generation Management
- Settlement of invoices (fee % of savings)
- Contract Management enables
- Scheduling
- Reporting
Demand Control 2 offers elite energy services to accomplished businesses.

Demand Control 2 is for businesses wanting more control over their energy destiny and demanding a change in the priority given to their energy needs.
Demand Control 2 is a unique entity with three of its top executives having more than 75 years combined experience in the electricity markets across the United States and internationally — 65 years in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) market. Their experiences are broad yet detailed in businesses, utilities, energy companies, and at ERCOT, Texas Reliability Entity (Texas RE), the Texas Legislature, and the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC).